Friday, March 27, 2015

A Message from the Principal

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

This edition of the Friday Flash is devoted to celebrating a variety of student successes.  We are so excited about our students’ accomplishments that we wanted to share the information with you as we move into Spring Break!

You will also find a reposting of the Sunrise Drive standardized testing schedule.  Please support your child arriving on time so that they are in their seats at 8:00 AM on the dates of testing.  As shared with you before, we will provide headphones for your student, which is a requirement for the AZMERIT Reading part 1 and 2 tests.  However, your child may bring their own headphones or earbuds if they prefer. 

I wish you a wonderful Spring Break and look forward to seeing you on Monday, April 6th.



Announcing SchoolToolBox for the 2015-2016 School Year

School Tool Box Informational Flyer

Don't forget to read more about: 

Sunrise Drive Poetry Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations Sunrise Chorus!

2015 Mathathon a Success!

The Mathathon was a Success…Again!

What a fantastic Mathathon we have just completed! Participation was great – we had more than half of our students bring in a pledge this year! I speak on behalf of the FFO and all of our students when I say thanks for the continuing generosity of so many Sunrise family and friends! Thanks to all of you, Sunrise has raised an incredible amount of money – over $20,000! This is money that stays in our school to directly provide extra activities and opportunities for our children.

Every student who participated in Mathathon by collecting and turning in at least one pledge will be receiving a free Eegee coupon! The classroom that had the highest participation at 75% of students bringing in at least one pledge, was Ms. Shahar’s 2nd grade! The overall school participation was 53%, so Ms. Shahar’s class really worked hard to get involved. All students in that class will receive a free Kona Ice certificate.

In terms of the classroom that raised the most money, there was a very close race between two classes (one raised $1460.00 and the other $1447!), and it was so close that we decided to reward both of them! All students in those classrooms will receive a free Kona Ice certificate and we will give each of those classroom teachers $100 to spend as the class chooses. The classrooms are: Ms. Lin’s Kindergarten morning class and Ms. Stefferson’s 1st grade class.

The award for most pledges collected was a very close one! Ms. Stefferson’s class actually had the lead there with 56 pledges collected, but because they won for the most money collected, we move to 2nd place for this award. And believe it or not, there was a tie for 2nd place, with Mrs. Prickett’s Kindergarten and Ms. Eggert’s 3rd grade both collecting 52 pledges each! Once again, all students in these classrooms will receive a free Kona Ice certificate.

Our top student fundraisers were Olivia (K), Samantha (2nd) and Matheo (K). Our top student pledge collectors were Matheo (K), Olivia (K), Joaquin (K) and Ismael (1st). Congrats to these students on their fundraising skills! Each of them will receive a special Certificate of Appreciation.

The grade level that had the highest average score on the Mathathon test itself, for the third year in a row, was Kindergarten! But 1st and 2nd grades weren’t far behind, all within a few tenths of a point, so we are considering it a tie, and a special recess will be scheduled in April to celebrate these accomplishments!

Thank you to all Sunrise families for all you’ve done to make this fundraiser such a success yet again! In addition to the 53% of Sunrise students who participated, there were many volunteers who helped make this possible, including: Anna Ames, Nicola Finley, Sarah Reitmeyer, Valorie Colson, Leslie Sult, Teresa Sommers, Katrina Richman, Anita McGuire Bethany Jaramillo, Basanti Mazumdar, Melissa Jump, Patricia Mercea, Erin Hughes, Carolina Salas, Bishwo Adhikari and Kirstin Girdner. Thank you also to the Sunrise Staff (especially Mrs. Davidson, Ms. Wickhorst and Ms. Garcia in the front office), who gave their support and time to help make this a successful event. Thank you so very much!

Debbie Claggett
Mathathon Coordinator & Sunrise Mom

SARSEF Awards Presented to Sunrise Drive Student Scientists

Sunrise Drive Spring Garden Clean Up- April 11, 2015

SATURDAY, April 11, 2015
7:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.


This family-friendly event will get our school garden plots ready for summer planting. We will be harvesting, weeding, roto-tilling and fixing irrigation lines. All ages are welcome. Come for the whole morning or for as long as you can.

RSVP if you think you might come so we know how many to expect to Juliet McKenna at

We hope to see you there!

AzMERIT Testing Schedule

Sunrise Drive Elementary School
Standardized Testing Dates

Third Grade
April 15            AzMERIT Writing
April 22            AzMERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 1
April 24            AzMERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 2

Fourth Grade
April 8              AIMS Science
April 14            AzMERIT Writing
April 20            AzMERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 1
April 21            AzMERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 2

Fifth Grade
April 13            AzMERIT Writing
April 20            AzMERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 1

April 21            AzMERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 2

Mark You Calendars for Beyond Bread Dine Out!

The Boarder 3-24-15

Friday, March 20, 2015

A Message From the Principal

March 20, 2014

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

The end of March will find us enjoying Spring Break.  I know that many students will travel and all students will enjoy time with family and friends.  When we return, we will begin the standardized testing for grades 3-5. I am publishing the testing dates again for your reference.  Please help us support your child’s success by ensuring a healthy night’s sleep and arrival to school on time.  Students should be in their classroom at 8:00 AM.

Grade 4 will take the AIMS Science test using paper and pencil. Grades 3-5 will take the AZ MERIT tests in the areas of Reading, Writing and Mathematics. This is a computer-based test. Students may bring their own ear buds for the AZ MERIT testing. We will provide headphones, but some students may prefer to bring their own for testing. Headphones/ear buds are needed for the AZ MERIT Reading, parts 1 and 2 tests.

On Monday, March 16th, author, Carmen Agree Deedy, entertained the Sunrise Drive student body.  Ms. Deedy shared a variety of stories with our students.  The fourth and fifth grade students were also treated to writing advice from this successful author and editor of children’s literature.  We thank each of you for supporting the FFO Spirit of Sunrise and the Mathathon.  These fundraising efforts enable the FFO to support rich opportunities for our children.

Student Council members partnered with Catalina Foothills High School students to offer Family Math Night on March 18th.  This fun event included math games in the MPR and mini-missions in the Robotics Lab.  A special thank you is extended to Ms. Ackerman for opening the lab to our community.  Also, this event was a success because of the student and parent volunteers who led each game.  It was wonderful to see so many faces on this rainy evening! 

The CFSD Foundation is participating in Arizona Gives Day on April 7. This statewide, 24-hour, online giving campaign is an exciting way for you and your family to donate to an organization that supports our excellent teachers.  Big or small, your donation can make an impact. We, along with the Foundation, will be sending out more information and instructions the day of this important campaign!

TheMarch FFO meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 25 in the Lounge.  This is a change for the original published date of Tuesday, March 24.  In May, we will meet on Friday, May 15 for the General Meeting.

Please plan to join us for the following events:

o   Sunrise Drive Choir Concert on March 24 at CFHS at 7:00
o   KIVA for Poetry Contest Winners and Mathathon on March 26 at 1:00
o   CFSD Elementary Honor Band at April 18 at CFHS at 3:00
o   Book Fair on April 20-24
o  Spring Fine Art Gala on April 24 from 5:30-7:30
o   Sunrise Musical: Jungle Book on April 29 and May 1 at 7:00
o   CFSD Elementary Band Concert on May 11 at CFHS at 7:00

We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming Sunrise Drive event!  I wish you a wonderful Spring Break with your children.

Andrea Davidson

Thank You Family Math Night Volunteers!

AIMS/AzMERIT Test Schedule

Sunrise Drive Elementary School
Standardized Testing Dates

Third Grade
  • April 15 AZ MERIT Writing
  • April 22 AZ MERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 1
  • April 24 AZ MERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 2
Fourth Grade
  • April 8 AIMS Science
  • April 14 AZ MERIT Writing
  • April 20 AZ MERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 1
  • April 21 AZ MERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 2
Fifth Grade
  • April 13 AZ MERIT Writing
  • April 20 AZ MERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 1
  • April 21 AZ MERIT Reading and Mathematics Part 2

FFO Meetings Notification


Live Graffiti Art Show Announcement

Friday, March 6, 2015

A Message from the Principal

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

It has been very exciting to see so many of you on campus over the last few weeks.!

Our Spring Chinese Festival was filled with fun as our students celebrated the New Year!  The Rodeo Lunch was well attended with many parents and grandparents enjoying lunch and the line dancing!  We also celebrated a successful Steppers season with a Fun Run at recess.  The Mustache Race and Car Wash were popular!  The students enjoyed running, jump roping, dancing and hula hooping!  We thank our volunteers for supporting each of these wonderful events!

Students will bring report cards home for Trimester 2 today. We will follow a different schedule next week:
·      Thursday, March 12th is a full day with dismissal at 3:00. 
·      Friday, March 13th is spring conferences; we will observe a half-day schedule:
                     ·     AM Kindergarten will be dismissed at 9:30 a.m.
                     ·      Full day Kindergarten and 1st-5th grade dismissal is 11:30 a.m.

The Sunrise Drive FFO Mathathon is successfully underway.  Students will take a Mathathon test on March 12th as part of the fundraiser.  We invite you to join us for Math Night on Wednesday, March 18 from 6:00-7:00 in the MPR to celebrate our Sunrise Drive Mathematicians.  Catalina Foothills High School students and Sunrise Drive Student Council Members will share some of their favorite math games with you.

We are celebrating Love of Reading during the month of March.  Students will participate in a variety of activities: writing, reading, making bookmarks, and decorating doors. Many books, bookmarks and pencils will be shared with students through the generosity of the FFO.  Also, the FFO is supporting an author visit by Carmen Agra Deedy. All students will enjoy Ms. Deedy’s storytelling.  Ms. Deedy’s books include the following: Return of the Library Dragon, The Yellow Star, Martina the Beautify Cockroach: A Cuban Folktale, The Cheshire Cheese Cat: A Dickens of a Tale, and 14 Cows for America.  Students who own a book and would like to have it signed may bring it to school on Monday, March 16th.

On March 27th, students may dress as their favorite book character. This will be a wonderful day as students choose which character and book to celebrate. Please support your child in creating a costume that is safe for school.  Students need to be able to move easily and safely in their classroom and on the playground as they are dressed as their favorite character.  Look for fun photos on our website.

A special thank you is extended to each family that completed and submitted registration materials for your students. Please help us secure the proper number of teachers for the 2015-2016 school year by submitting your student’s registration.  We have collected the majority of neighborhood registrations.  This is very helpful as we hire our staff for next year. 

Finally, please make a note on your calendar for Spring Picture Day on March 17th. We look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks.

Thank you,

Andrea Davidson

Sunrise Drive Elementary School

2015 Chinese Health Day- April 4, 2015
