Thursday, November 9, 2017

Picture Retake Day!!


  • Students who were not in attendance for picture day in September
  • Students whose family ordered a picture package but were not happy with the outcome

  • Please advise the front office that your child will need to have their picture taken on retake day (you can do this via email -
  • If you purchased a picture package, please make sure your student has the original picture package with them. Interstate will reproduce the same picture package originally ordered (but only if the original package is returned).
  • If you were not in attendance for picture day in September, a picture order form can be picked up at the front office.
  • All new orders, and reprinted picture packages will be shipped to the school for distribution. 

Friday, November 3, 2017

Open Enrollment for 2018-19 School Year

A Message From the Principal

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

As a staff, we would like to thank our Faculty and Family Organization (FFO) for supporting our efforts to enhance the learning experience and community at Sunrise Drive. We are grateful for the enormous support and efforts of the FFO leadership and general membership as we work with our students each day.

Your contribution to the Spirit of Sunrise directly impacts our students at Sunrise Drive. Since August, your contributions are supporting field trips for our students, second-grade artists in residence, Fifth Grade Legacy Project, and the Sunrise Drive Garden. You may make a donation to the Spirit of Sunrise using the FFO website:

Thank you for helping to make Spiders & Cider a success! It was wonderful to see our students enjoying the games and activities at Spiders and Cider last Friday. The success of this incredible event produced by our FFO and volunteers is a result of the incredible commitment of our Spiders and Cider Co-Chairs, Alli Swanson, Rachel Hollander, Jeannette Hartshorne and Bethany Jaramillo. Thank you to each of you who donated your time and resources to this special student event. Please visit to check out the raffle prize winners, teacher costume contest, photo booth, a survey and a thank you to volunteers!

In the Spring, we will conduct standardized testing. The testing windows for AZ MERIT and AIMS are defined by the Arizona Department of Education. The testing window for administering the AZ MERIT Writing tests for grades 3-5 begins when we are on Spring Break and ends on Friday, April 13, 2017. We will begin AIMS testing during the week prior to Spring Break for fourth grade and continue with AZ MERIT on the first day back from Spring Break, Monday, April 9, 2017.

3rd Grade:
AzMERIT Writing Wednesday, April 11
AzMERIT Reading/Math Part 1 Wednesday, April 18
AzMERIT Reading/Math Part 2 Wednesday, April 25

4th Grade:
AIMS Science Wednesday, March 28
AzMERIT Writing Tuesday, April 10
AzMERIT Reading/Math Part 1 Tuesday, April 17
AzMERIT Reading/Math Part 2 Tuesday, April 24

5th Grade:
AzMERIT Writing Monday, April 9
AzMERIT Reading/Math Part 1 Monday, April 16
AzMERIT Reading/Math Part 2 Monday, April 23

We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events:
·      Steppers – Every Friday during your child’s lunch recess
·      FFO General Meeting - November 17 at 8:10 AM
·      Talent Show – November 17 at 6:00
·      Strings Concert – December 7 at 7:00 at Catalina Foothills High School Auditorium
·      Spelling Bee – December 8 at 3:15
·      Band Concert – December 19 at 6:00 at Catalina Foothills High School Auditorium

Andrea Davidson


Kindergarten Show and Tell

Spanish Immersion Program

Chinese Immersion Program


Breakfast at school

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Message from the Principal

October 11, 2017

Dear Sunrise Families,

We thank each family member for participating in conferences over the last week.  We value the partnerships we have with each of you as we support our students in their learning. As the grading period ends on November 3, teachers will prepare report cards for electronic distribution on November 17.  Report cards are another way for us to share information with you. To access your report card, please log into your ParentVUE account. If you need assistants with your ParentVUE account, please contact Brenda or Dawn in the Office at 209-7901. Please know that our teachers are committed to being your partners as we support your student’s learning.

We will begin offering clubs for students to participate in during the recess time following lunch. We will make announcements each morning about the club event for the day:

  • Monday: Lego Club in the Library
  • Tuesday: Student Council in the Library
  • Wednesday: Garden Club beginning November 1st in the Garden
  • Thursday: Yearbook Club for fourth and fifth graders in CARE
  • Thursday: Spelling Club in the Library
  • Friday: Steppers beginning November 3rd on the field
Participation in clubs is voluntary. Students may attend at anytime. For example, a student might participate every week in a club, once a month, or every couple of months. 

A special thank you is extended to all of the volunteers who participated in the Garden and Campus Clean-Up. Students will begin planting the cool weather crops in the upcoming weeks. We all noticed the clean corridors and the fresh blue line running throughout the campus. Thank you to the volunteers and FFO Chairs, Emily Franklin, Shirley Harvey, Mike Schwartz and Amber Schwartz, for improving our campus.

On Friday, October 27th the FFO will host the annual Spiders and Cider event from 5:00-8:00. Donations of candy may be sent to the office for the FFO Spiders and Cider Committee to collect and organize for the evening for fun. Please click on the link to purchase tickets, volunteer and learn more about the event.

Students may choose to wear a costume to Spiders and Cider. When selecting a costume for your child to wear to the Spiders and Cider festivities, please be sure that it is appropriate for an elementary school.  Safety is the highest priority. Children are not permitted to wear masks, bring dangerous items or bring items that represent weapons.  Please refrain from body paint or images on costumes that depict violence or injury. We appreciate your support in creating a safe and fun event for all of our five through ten year olds!

I wish each of you a wonderful Fall Break.  Students have shared their plans for the long weekend.  Many are excited to visit with family and friends. I know some of you will enjoy relaxing in Tucson, while others will be fishing at a lake or walking on the beach. I look forward to seeing the students next week as they share their events of their long weekend!

Andrea Davidson
