Friday, November 21, 2014

Message from the Principal

Dear Sunrise Families,

Why do I have green eyes? What makes popcorn pop? How fast can I run?  How does a plane take off and fly? What’s the difference between bacteria and virus? Children continually generate questions, and the Sunrise Drive Science Day and Inquiry Fair is a wonderful opportunity to investigate these questions.  Students may participate in the SD Inquiry Fair by entering a project as an individual, small group or class. Important science dates are listed below.

·      Registration forms are due on December 12th.

·      Ms. McGuire will be available each Wednesday in December during lunch to discuss topics, answer questions, and offer resources.

·      MADScience Night for Sunrise Families will be Tuesday, December 9 from 6:45-8:00 in the MPR.

·      TheSunrise Drive Science Day and Inquiry Fair will be on Thursday, February 5. On this day, student projects will be shared.  Also, students will celebrate and learn about our world as guest scientists share their expertise. 

·      Qualifying projects will move forward to the Southern Arizona Regional Scienceand Engineering Fair (SARSEF) during March 9-14. Please let us know how we can support your student as they prepare a topic of study for the SD Inquiry Fair.

As we move into the Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to express my gratitude to the Sunrise Drive community for creating a wonderful learning environment for our students.  I thank each volunteer and family member for each contribution to our students’ education.  I wish each of you a wonderful holiday!


Andrea Davidson

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