Friday, April 10, 2015

A Message from the Principal

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

We are busy as we return from Spring Break.  Our fourth grades completed the AIMS Science test on Wednesday.  The next two weeks our third, fourth and fifth grade students will complete AZ MERIT testing:

o   Monday, April 13th, 5th grade Writing
o   Tuesday, April 14th, 4th grade Writing
o   Wednesday, April 15th, 5th grade Writing
o   Monday, April 20th, 4th and 5th grade Reading and Math Part 1
o   Tuesday, April 21st, 4th and 5th grade Reading and Math Part 2
o   Wednesday, April 22nd, 3rd grade Reading and Math Part 1
o   Friday, April 24th, 3rd grade Reading and Math Part 1

We thank you in advance for supporting your child by arriving on time. Your child should be in their seat at 8:00. Students need adequate sleep during the testing window.  Also, please provide healthy snacks for mid-morning breaks.  Our students care about their performance.  Your support is appreciated!

Over the next few weeks many of our students will learn off campus as they participate in grade level field trips.  Field trips enhance the learning completed in the classroom. These experiences provide an opportunity for students to extend their learning and make connections to the real-world.

·      Kindergarten will visit the International Wildlife Museum
·      First Grade will visit the Botanical Gardens
·      Second Grade will visit Sabino Canyon
·      Fourth Grade will visit Old Tucson

Donations to the Spirit of Sunrise are used to fund learning off campus. We thank you for your support of the FFO efforts to support our field trips. 

The Sunrise Drive Fine Arts Festival will be on Friday, April 24 from 5:00-7:00. We look forward to a night of celebration as students share their talents.  Please join us in the celebration of our talents in the visual and performing arts.

Please join us this Saturday, April 11 from 7:30-10:30 AM for our Spring Garden Clean up.  Our garden needs a bit of care as we prepare for the new planting season. We need many helping hands to help us transform our plots form cool weather to warm weather gardens. We will supply the tools and ask you to supply the effort.  In addition to the class plots, you may consider joining the Community Garden by staking a claim to a plot of your own.

At the end of April, teachers will collaborate to create class lists. The lists will not be assigned to teachers until next August. If you would like to provide input about your child’s emotional, social, physical or academic needs, please use the attached form and submit your insights to the office by April 24th. 

We look forward to seeing you over the next few weeks at an upcoming field trip or the Fine Arts Festival.

Thank you,

Andrea Davidson
Sunrise Drive Elementary School

Sunrise Drive Spring Garden Clean Up

SATURDAY, April 11, 2015
7:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.


This family-friendly event will get our school garden plots ready for summer planting. We will be harvesting, weeding, roto-tilling and fixing irrigation lines. All ages are welcome. Come for the whole morning or for as long as you can.

RSVP if you think you might come so we know how many to expect to Juliet McKenna at

We hope to see you there!

Informational Flyer for School Tool Box

Rockin' For Rett 5K Fun Run

Parent Input on Optional Placement 2015-2016 School Year

Chords for a Cure Happens Tonight!

 Click the link to find out more!     Girl Power 2 Cure - Tucson News Now

Sunrise Drive Garden and Community Gardens of Tucson Invite You To Join Them

Water Bottle Drive

2015 CIUA Chinese Star Summer Camp

Community Gardens of Tucson

CFSD Foundation

Spring Fine Arts Gala

Spring Book Fair