Friday, December 4, 2015

A Message from the Principal + Director of Community Schools

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

The Catalina Foothills School District is a wonderful school community! It is impressive to see a community with such a commitment to educational excellence and support of the schools here in the Foothills.  CFSD would not be the district it is today without the community that surrounds and supports it! The success of our schools' extracurricular programs is tied to the generous contributions of community members who divert some of their state tax funds to the CFSD programs of their choice!

How does it Work?
Any Arizona taxpayer has the opportunity to give to Catalina Foothills School District instead of paying it in taxes. The donation must be earmarked for support of one of our many qualifying fee-based, extracurricular activities. We'll send the donor a receipt for their records. Then, when the taxpayer fills out their 2015 Arizona state taxes, they can subtract the amount of the donation, up to $400 (joint filers) and $200 (individuals), from what is owed in state taxes.  This is not just a tax deduction…it is a tax credit that reduces the amount of taxes owed to the state, dollar-for-dollar.  For more information about how this credit will work for your individual tax situation, contact your tax advisor.

How are these Dollars Spent?
Tax Credit dollars are spent to support fee-based, extra-curricular offerings. However, regular communication between the school principal and CFSD Community Schools Director leads to a beneficial partnership that also helps support the needs at Sunrise, as dollars are spent to serve a joint purpose.

What is the Tax Credit Goal at Sunrise?
We are aiming for $30,000…that is only 150 individuals at $200 each!

Where Can I Donate?
You can donate online ( with your credit card or fill out the 2015 Tax Credit Form, which can be mailed to Murphey Administration Center, 2101 E River Rd., Tucson, AZ, 85718 or dropped off in person at any CFSD school, by December 31, 2015. Please make checks payable to Catalina Foothills School District (CFSD) and note the program to which you'd like to contribute on the check.

What have we purchased at Sunrise with tax credit dollars?
Here are some of the joint projects that Community Schools and Sunrise administration have completed/purchased within the past 5 years, as well as projects underway or yet to come:

·      Current Project: Raising money for shade structures on the Sunrise campus, utilized by Sunrise Students and Community Schools activities
·      Upgrade the Kindergarten playground
·      Resurfacing of the outdoor basketball and tennis courts, utilized by Sunrise students in Physical Education and by Community Schools classes after school
·      Imagine Learning software purchase used by SD teachers, students, and Community Schools
·      $30,000 toward the SD playground renovation project, which assisted with updating basketball goals, courts, playground equipment, shade structures, and more, all utilized by SD students, staff, and Community Schools
·      Lego Robotics team registrations and equipment used by SD students, staff, and Community Schools
·      30 sets of headphones used by SD students, teachers, and Community Schools
·      Supporting Community Schools enrichment classes for SD students resulting in lower class fees

Your consideration of making an Arizona Tax Credit is appreciated.  If you elect to make a donation, please consider marking Sunrise Drive as the recipient of the donation.

Andrea Davidson                                                Travis Kolter
Principal                                                            Director CFSD Community Schools

CFSD Announces Open Enrollment for 2016-2017 School Year

Kindergarten Show and Tell in CFSD

Chinese Immersion Program in CFSD

Spanish Immersion Program in CFSD

CFSD Foundation

Health and Wellness Fair Hosted by American Diabetes Association

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Message from the Principal

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

As we have shared, student report cards are distributed electronically using ParentVUE. Today, parents will be able to view their child’s report card by logging into their ParentVUE account and clicking on the Report Card section along the left hand side of the homepage. It is important to note, the report cards will only be accessible via the ParentVUE web page. Parents will not be able to access a report card from a smartphone app. 

In efforts to communicate students’ academic progress today, it was discovered that the attendance was not feeding to the generation of trimester one report cards. Currently, the report is being loaded to ParentVUE but with inaccurate attendance. When the issue with attendance has been fixed, a new report card will be issued to ParentVUE and the school will notify parents. We believe it is important to provide  parents information about their child’s progress in a timely manner and did not want to delay this communication.

In the meantime, if you want to review a student’s attendance, you may login to ParentVUE and click the Attendance link on the left hand side.
The following tips may help you access your child’s report card:

o   Click the Report Card section along the left side of your child’s homepage.
o   View the tutorials on Sunrise Drive's Youtube channel to better understand your ParentVUE account.
o   Contact the front office if you have forgotten your username or password.
o   Visit the front office where you will be given an activation key to set-up your ParentVUE account if you have not done so using the activation key distributed in August.
o   Contact your child’s teacher to clarify any portion of your child’s report card.

Some documents in paper form will be sent home today with students.  Not all students will have documents sent home. The following is a list of documents that students will bring home in hardcopy format:
o   Progress reports for Read Strong students in grades K-3
o   Progress reports for K-5 students receiving student support services
o   Mandarin Proficiency reports for K-3 Chinese Immersion students
o   AZMERIT reports for students in grades 4 and 5 from Spring 2015 testing
o   Attendance notices for K-5 students with 10 or more absences/tardies
o   Meal account notices for negative balance

Please join me in welcoming an additional Read Strong teacher, Ms. Wallace, to our campus.  Ms. Wallace is an experienced Catalina Foothills School District teacher and completed her reading endorsement under the supervision of Ms. Del Rincon at Sunrise Drive.  Through funding secured through a grant for this year, we have been assigned the additional certified position.  Our students will benefit from the expertise that Ms. Wallace offers to our school.

The Steppers Program is in full swing.  Please join us during lunch recess on Fridays to walk/run with us.  Each week we add miles to our cumulative total as a school.  Six laps equals one mile!  Students eagerly share the number of laps completed.  A warm thank you is extended to Ms. Dover who oversees the program and the team of volunteers who devote their time each week to count our laps and cheer us on!

Sunrise students in first through fifth grades will participate in the Scripps Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee Club meets at lunch on Tuesdays until November 17. Students who would like to qualify for the Sunrise Drive Spelling Bee will take a written test on Tuesday, November 17 during lunch-recess. Our school wide spelling bee will take place on December 4 at 3:10. The competition follows the rules of the Scripps Spelling Bee with first through fifth graders competing with one another.

Please join us tonight at 6:00 in the MPR for the Sunrise Talent Show.  The FFO Talent Show Committee will produce a wonderful show featuring our super stars! On Wednesday, December 2, your family in invited to participate UP, UP and AWAY produced by MAD Science.  This FFO sponsored event kicks off our Science Fair and Inquiry Day events. We will learn and enjoy the exciting presentation in the MPR from 6:30-7:30. I look forward to seeing you on campus over the next few weeks.

Andrea Davidson

Science Night at Sunrise Drive- December 2, 2015

How the CFSD Foundation Helps Sunrise Drive

Do you know about the CFSD Foundation?

The mission of the Foundation is to raise funds to attract, develop and retain excellent teachers throughout the district.

Specifically, the Foundation helps fund our district’s teacher induction program. Has your child's teacher been working in CFSD for three or fewer years? If so, she/he is part of the district's 3-year induction program.  The desired result of the induction program is to provide district students a more competent, skilled teacher working with their children.  

The 3-year induction program has a price tag of approximately $250,000 so it is the combination of a CFSD Foundation gift and some district funding that keeps that program alive. Times are especially challenging this year because the Arizona Legislature cut ALL of our funding for this program.  The only way to find this program is through direct donations.  Our goal is to raise $500,000 this year.

At Sunrise Drive, there are 18 teachers who participate in and benefit from this program.

Visit the CFSD Foundation website at to read testimonial form teachers about the value of this training – and how it supports our teachers and students.

Public education is extremely fragile in our state.  Increasingly, it is becoming obvious that a great public education is not free.

Our teachers need our help.

In addition to supporting our FFO here at Sunrise, please make an annual donation to the CFSD Foundation.

Thanks to CFSD Community 2015 Election

The Boarder- A Summary Report from November 10, 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015

A Message from the Principal

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

This school year report cards will be distributed electronically through the ParentVUE system. If you have not activated your ParentVUE account yet, please visit the front office where you will be given an activation key and instructions on how to set this up. If you have already activated your account but have forgotten your username or password, please contact the front office and they will assist you with this. 

On November 13, 2015, you will have access to your student’s report card by logging into your ParentVUE account and clicking the Report Card section of your child's account. You can click the link to download a PDF version of your child's report card and print it for your records if you choose. There are tutorials on Sunrise Drive's Youtube channel for your convenience to help you better understand your ParentVUE account. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Also on Friday November 13th, our fourth and fifth grade students will bring home AzMERIT results from the Spring 2015 testing sessions.  Students will have scores for both Math and English Language Arts (ELA).  One of four performance levels will be noted on the students report for Math and English Language Arts, which include Highly Proficient, Proficient, Partially Proficient and Minimally Proficient. The English Language Arts score is composed of three performance areas: Reading for Information, Reading for Literature and Writing Language.  The Mathematics score is a combination of three performance areas: Operations, Algebraic Thinking, and Numbers in Base Ten, and Measurement, Data and Geometry.  You may access information about AzMERIT on the Arizona Department of Education website at  If you would like to discuss your student’s results, please contact your child’s teacher or me.  We want to support your family as this new assessment and the results are distributed to you and the public.

Are your mornings rushed as you get ready for school? Breakfast is served on campus Monday through Friday beginning at 7:40.  The breakfast served is part of the National School Lunch Program.  Students may access breakfast in front of the MPR each morning.  Sunrise Drive staff members supervise the eating area.  Students may also choose to place some of the breakfast items in their backpack to eat as a snack. The cost of breakfast is $1.70 (30 cents for reduced meal or free for free meal based on qualifying criteria). Pam Yantorno from Sodexo will be on campus on Thursday morning from 7:40 to share information about the breakfast program at Sunrise Drive.  If you have questions about breakfast or lunch, please contact me or Ms. Yantorno at I highly encourage you to consider your child taking advantage of a prepared breakfast (or snack) to ease your morning rush.

We look forward to a fun evening tonight at Spiders and Cider.  I would like to thank all of the students, parents and volunteers who have collaborated to make this a wonderful evening for our students.

Andrea Davidson


CFSD Teacher of the Year Newsletter + Nomination Form

The Boarder Community

2015 School Environmental Project Minigrants

The Foothills Philharmonic Winter Concert

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Message From the Principal

October 14, 2015

Dear Sunrise Families,

We are thankful for your participation in conferences over the last week.  We value the partnerships we have with each family as we support our students in their learning.  It is important to continue to communicate with one another. As the grading period ends on October 30th, teachers will prepare report cards for electronic distribution.  Parents will need a ParentVUE account activated in order to receive a report card this school year. If you need access to your ParentVUE account, please stop by the front office and ask for assistance. Report cards are another way for us to share information with you. Please know that our teachers are committed to being your partners as we support your student’s learning.

On Friday, October 30th the FFO will host the annual Spiders and Cider event from 5:00-8:00 pm. Donations of candy may be sent to the office for the FFO Spiders and Cider Committee to collect and organize for the evening for fun.

For Spiders and Cider to be successful, we ask that each family commit to volunteering for a 30-minute time slot.  Please visit the link to commit to volunteer at the fun activities such as the Cake Walk, Games, Craft Table, or Maze:

Students may choose to wear a costume to Spiders and Cider. When selecting a costume for your child to wear to the Spiders and Cider festivities, please be sure that it is appropriate for an elementary school.  Safety is the highest priority. Children are not permitted to wear masks, bring dangerous items or bring items that represent weapons.  Please refrain from body paint or images on costumes that depict violence or injury. We appreciate your support in creating a safe and fun event for all of our five through ten year olds!

I wish each of you a wonderful Fall Break.  Students have shared their plans for the long weekend.  Many are excited to harvest pumpkins with family and friends, while others are eager to visit the zoo or Sabino Canyon.  I look forward to seeing the students next week as they share their events of their weekend!

Andrea Davidson

Spiders & Cider is Coming October 30, 2015!

Spiders & Cider Prepaid Admission and Raffle Form

Fall Book Fair Update 2015

CFSD Foundation


Friday, October 2, 2015

A Message from the Principal

October 2, 2015

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

Last weekend was filled with fun! It was a pleasure to see so many of you at the Family Picnic and Play event last Friday evening.  Students spent time with their family and friends as they ate dinner together, played on the playground and the enjoyed the book fair.  On Saturday, over 100 Sunrise Drive students participated in the University of Arizona Confucius Institute Language Day.  An audience of proud parents enjoyed the performance of our Kindergarten through grade 3 students. 

On Thursday, October 1, Student Council met for the first time.  Any student in grades 1-5 who would like to devote their lunch-recess to be a leader by serving the community may participate.  Student Council meets each Thursday during the grade level lunch-recess time.  Yesterday, we prepared signs to invite you to join us for Family Fix-Up and Garden Clean Up tomorrow, Saturday, October 3 for our campus wide clean up. Please join us with your wheelbarrow and broom between 7:00-12:00 noon. We will be repainting the blue line and adding yellow footprints at the request of the Kindergarteners in Ms. Prickett’s class. Students will be planting this year, and we need your help to have the gardens ready for October planting. By the end of the morning, we would like all plant debris removed from the garden and all the compost that was delivered on Thursday moved to the class plots.

During the month of October, students will be planting cool weather crops.  We thank the Sunrise Drive FFO for supporting our gardening with the purchase of seeds and seedlings.  A special thank you to Emily Franklin for organizing our school-wide gardening activities.  If you have some time to devote to working in the garden with the students, please contact your child’s teacher.

We look forward to seeing you on campus!

Andrea Davidson


The Boarder September 21, 2015

Science Family Night!!

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Message from the Principal

September 18, 2015

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

I am honored to share with you that Bill Dodds will be recognized as a Catalina Foothills School District Super Volunteer to the CFSD Governing Board on Monday, September 21 at 6:30 PM. Mr. Dodds has served as a playground volunteer since his granddaughter began attending Sunrise Drive as a first grader. Mr. Dodds partners with staff members to cultivate a school environment that fosters a sense of belonging for each student. Mrs. Kupper shared, “I am grateful that he is on campus and so supportive about what we do here at Sunrise for students.” Mr. Dodds enthusiastically arrives each morning at 7:35 with a smile and basketball in hand welcoming the students to a new school day.  A fifth grader shared, “He helped me shoot better and play better. He is really nice!” Each day Mr. Dodds exhibits the Spirit of Sunrise with his kind and respectful interactions with all students.

We anxiously await cooler temperatures to align with the calendar, which indicates we are entering the fall season.  In Tucson, this signals the time to plant the “cool-weather” crops we enjoy, such as carrots, lettuce, peas, and broccoli. Every grade level will be utilizing our outdoor garden classroom during the upcoming months. The FFO generously supports our garden activities by purchasing seeds, seedlings and equipment.

We need your help to clean up our campus and prepare our garden plots on Saturday, October 3. Please join us with your wheelbarrow and broom between 7:00-12:00 noon. We need your help to have the gardens ready for October planting. Please click on the link below to commit to joining us for the Garden Clean Up and Family Fix Up. 

Sunrise Drive first through fifth grade students may participate in the Scripps Spelling Bee.

1.     Spelling Club will begin to meet weekly on Tuesdays beginning September 22 during recess.  Any student may participate and does not need to attend weekly. 
2.     The school wide written test to qualify for the School Bee will be held during recess on November 17.
3.     The Sunrise Drive Spelling Bee will be on Friday, December 4 at 3:10 in the library.  Students report to the library at 3:00.
4.     CFSD District Spelling Bee will be on Thursday, January 21 at 4:00 in the Sunrise Drive Library.
The students and staff thank the FFO for sponsoring the school fee for our students’ participation.
It is a pleasure serving the Sunrise Drive Elementary School Community.  I look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming events!


Andrea Davidson


Jump Rope for Heart Comes to Sunrise Drive

Ready, Set, JUMP!

Last year was our first year participating in Jump Rope for Heart (JRFH) for the American Heart Association and our school raised $19,070.45! We were the #1 fundraising school for Southern Arizona, the #2 school for the state of Arizona and the #13 school in the entire Western States Division! In return for our participation and donations, the Sunrise PE program received $1100 in equipment from JRFH . . . it was a win-win for our school!

Keep a look out for your child to bring home his/her JRFH packet during our kick-off the week of October 1 – 7 (during PE classes). The actual jumping event will be held during PE classes the week of November 2 – 6. During this time, we will be learning all about the heart, how to keep it healthy, and we will be practicing some exciting jump roping skills! This is also the time when your child can reach out to family and friends and ask them to make a donation for them as they Jump Rope for Heart. Asking for donations is optional but all students will be able to participate in the jumping event.

New this year: we will only be accepting ONLINE donations!
It is easy and secure to set up an online account for your child and you can reach out to a lot more friends and family by sending out emails. Directions for setting up an online account will be in your child’s packet or you can get a head start by going to: and find our school. If for some reason you cannot donate online, you can send your checks/money to:
American Heart Association
Attention: Theresa Hoge
2601 N. Campbell Ave. Suite #206
Tucson, Az. 85719
We will not be handling any checks or cash at school. Thank you for your cooperation. All donations are due by November 24.

Thank you for your support!   Gigi Dover – PE Teacher

Tucson Chinese School Celebrates its 65th Anniversary

Science Night 2015

Tucson Girls Chorus

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

not MY kid - Inspiring Positive Life Choices Event

This Thursday Orange Grove Middle School FFO is sponsoring a parent only-event on Internet Safety.  This presentation provides powerful insights for parents on ways to protect your child on the internet.  If you plan on attending, please RSVP to the OGMS office at 209-8201.  The presentation begins in the Orange Grove Middle School MPR at 6:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

A Message from the Principal

Dear Sunrise Drive Families,

Welcome to September!  Over the first 22 days of school, we have learned a great deal about your child.  Teachers have administered a collection of assessments to determine your child’s performance level in math, reading, and writing. Teachers are tailoring instructional opportunities to support the students’ growth in each class. 

Across our school students are working on the Deep Learning Proficiency of Collaboration.  There are four performance areas to develop: Leadership and Initiative, Cooperation and Flexibility, Responsibility and Productivity, Responsiveness, and Self-regulation and Reflection. In PE students worked in teams to complete the “Mission Impossible.” Students developed plans to move over toxic lava, trek over mountains, and land on the island safely.  Students used their motor planning skills to move themselves and help their teammates reach the City safely.  The students used self-regulation as they worked together, and reflected on their team’s success and their individual contributions.

In primary grades, students are developing the collaborative skills needed to work with others.  Students are learning about their role when working with classmates and what words to use when we might disagree.  For example, when discussing a story, a first grader might say, “I made a different connection…” or “When the boy grabs his teddy bear, I thought about…”  Fifth graders are offering opinions, listening to others’ perspectives and then comparing their own opinions and ideas with their peers.  These are examples of students demonstrating Cooperation and Flexibility.  You may click on this link to view the Collaboration Rubric:

ParentVUE is our new online resource where you may access your child’s grades, attendance and other data.  During Curriculum Night, individual ParentVUE activation keys were distributed to each parent.  If you did not attend, please stop by the office to pick up your activation key to access your account. Once you log on to your account, you will be able to access your student’s grades and attendance.

Our learning community supports our students with great effort.  We have four wonderful events for our students: 

- Book Fair: September 21-September 25 during the school day
- Family Picnic and Play & Book Fair: Friday, September 25 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM
- School & Garden Fix-Up: Saturday, October 3 from 7:00 AM -12:00 noon
- Spiders and Cider: Friday, October 30 from 6:00-8:00

Please click on the link to volunteer at one of the events and join us in the fun. 

Your dedication to our students will have a positive impact as we come together to celebrate our school and nurture our children.

The Catalina Foothills School District Foundation believes, “Quality Teachers Lead to a Quality Education.”  The CFSD Foundation is committed to supporting teacher development and retention in our schools.  On Friday, September 18th the CFSD Foundation will host a Fall Mixer at Hacienda del Sol. I look forward to seeing you there! During the event, I hope you will consider bidding on the reserved parking space located in the staff parking lot.  This space can be yours to use whenever you visit our campus. 

We thank you for your support as we work with your child.  It is an honor to be partners with you as we support their growth.

Andrea Davidson
